Author: Office
Coronavirus suspension of church activities
Following the recent government announcement on social distancing we have reluctantly had to suspend all church activities and gatherings until future notice. Brigades, Toddler Group, Exercise classes, Coffee morning and food for thought Bible Studies are all suspended. We shall also not be meeting for Sunday Worship during this period.
82nd Birthday of Brownley Green Baptist Church
Join us to celebrate our 82nd Church Anniversary on Sunday 16th February at 10.45am when we shall celebrate 82 years of service and mission to the people of Wythenshawe. Please come and join the celebrations.
Christmas Celebrations
Join our celebrations for the Saviour’s Birth on the following dates: Sunday 22nd December 6.30 pm Carols By Candlelight Christmas Eve 3.30 pm Christingle Service Christmas Day 10.00 Family Celebration Service
Wednesday Fellowship Outing to Lytham St Annes
Our Wednesday Fellowship enjoyed their annual outing to Lytham St Annes on July 10th. In the midst of this hot summer it was a great day out by coach. Some of the group can be seen after an excellent Fish and Chip lunch. A great day of fellowship and fun were enjoyed.
80th Anniversary Year
2018 sees the 80th anniversary of Brownley Green Baptist and during the year several of our former ministers have returned to conduct services. These include Revs Barrie Clarke, Bob Casley, Adrian Klos, Michael Sheen, Dr Nigel Wright (former moderator to our church). We continue to give thanks for the work The Lord has brought to…