Christmas Celebrations 2009

 We give you a warm invitation to join us at Brownley Green Baptist Church this Christmas. Our calendar of events and services are as follows:

 Sun 13   3.30pm     Carols on the Farm Wythenshawe Park

Mon 14    7.00pm   Brigades Carol Service

Wed 16   10.00am  Toddler Group Christmas Party

Thurs 17  7.00pm   Taize Service at St Richard’s

Sat19/Sun 20  Churches Together  Christmas Wrapping Service at   Wythenshawe Centre

Sun 20     10.45am  Morning Service

                    3.30 pm  Community Meal

                     6.30pm   Carols by Candlelight

Thurs 24    3.30pm   Christingle Service

Fri 25         10.00am  Christmas Day Service

Sun 27    10.45am   Morning Service

  If you require any further information regarding any of the above events please contact the church office on 0161 437 2870.




