‘Week’ of Prayer for Christian Unity

Several activities are planned for the forthcoming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as below:
Thursday 18th January –  a special 'Taize' service to mark the beginning of the Week will take place at 7 pm at The Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Peter, Floatshall Rd.Baguley.

Friday 19th January – prayers at 9 am at Newall Green Baptist Church, Tuffley Road.

Sunday 21st January –  a United Service of witness at 3pm  – also at Newall Green Baptist.

Tuesday 23rd January  Prayer and Meditation at St. John & St. Thomas Church, Benchill, 7pm led by Rev'd. Adrian Klos and Fr. Brendan Kelly.  

Wednesday 24th January –  5 pm prayers at St. Richard of Chichester, Peel Hall 

Thursday 25th January    Prayer and Meditation, 7 pm at St. Mark's United Reformed Church, Woodhouse Park




